Friday, July 18, 2008


July 18, 2008, Hydrabad, India. Today we went and visited a national school today with a team of Fulbrighters. India has three types of schools: National Schools for public employees, state schools and various private schools. We visited a national school that was different from the other national schools we have seen. There were pictures, murals and quotes all over the walls of the school. The kids were doing art projects (we haven’t seen that many projects in schools) were they were actively engaged in hands on activities. This school is not as high stakes as other schools we have seen. The students study until grade 10 and then if they are not math/science then they go to another school. After 10th there class sizes drop in half as students go to state schools (art, business, etc.). Last night we went to a native dance demonstration. We were shown many of the native dances and they made us get up and dance with them. Apparently, India hasn’t got the memo that white men don’t dance. One male in our group could cut the rug and the rest of us were fish out of water. This has been my second most stressful moment. They expect you to be able to follow a dancer’s move after a couple of demonstrations. I can not even follow the first move let alone try to string 4-5 moves together. I learned how to hide in the background of a large dancing crowd. The local dancers were so grateful to meet us.


Mary said...

Don, this blog is enthralling! I am lost in your descriptions and photos, overwhelmed by the color and stories. What an adventure! I can't wait to hear everything when school starts again.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are gaining some skills for hanging around the freeway exits here at home. I appreciate the blogging time. You are so fortunate to have this experience. It will be fun to get the full report.
Stay safe.