Sunday, July 27, 2008

Special Hindi Day Of Celebration

Pune, India, July 27, 2008. Today was a day off. We heard last night about the 16 bombs let off around the city of Ahmedabad killing 20 and injuring 100. We head there on Tuesday. We are not to worried as the target is Hindi nationalist. Some people are a little nervous.
We took a two hour car ride out to the country to visit some Buddhist caves from 100 BC. It was a spectacular drive out as the monsoons hit and it poured the whole time. We had to hike a ways in the rain. There is a Hindu temple near where we were going and the traffic was backed up for a long ways. On the way up we passed a bunch of boys playing in a marching type band headed up to the Hindu Temple. It must have been some sort of Holiday as there was 100's of people, drinking and dancing. most were males in their 20's. In the picture above the boy band had made it to this water fall and there were people dancing and sitting in the waterfall. The people would go up to the waterfalls and sit in them. It was a crazy thing to see. We haven't seen much beer drinking except for today it was everywhere. The rural villages were planting rice and it was all woman workers in full sari's planting. I saw very few men in the fields. We came across large herds of goats being herded down the streets to the city. Another day full of crazy scenes.

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